Category: Food Lab

Today is National Cappuccino Day

Today is National Cappuccino Day

Today is National Cappuccino Day! It’s a good thing this holiday is today because with the change of time, lots of us are waking up a lot earlier than we’d like. There is not...

Today is National Sandwich Day

Today is National Sandwich Day

It’s probably safe to say that your restaurant offers some sort of sandwich. Sandwiches are one of the most popular lunch items in the U.S. and around the world since they are an easy...

National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month!

National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month!

Take a peek in your kids’ Halloween candy bag and I’ll bet you’ll find many peanut butter candies in there. Yea, you can get your sweet fix eating a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, but...

Today is National Chocolate Day

Today is National Chocolate Day

Dark, milk, white, coated over nuts, caramel, and even peanut butter- chocolate is a versatile and delicious way to satisfy your sweet tooth! It’s no surprise that National Chocolate Day is in October. Halloween...

Shake Things Up With This Holiday Mojito Recipe

Shake Things Up With This Holiday Mojito Recipe

Liqueur is traditionally used in cooking as well as for sipping. Liqueur is alcohol infused with sugar, herbs, flowers, spices, fruits, and other add-ins. This deliciously simple recipe for Holiday Mojito will keep your...