Try this Super Simple White Wine Sangria Recipe

Last updated on June 30th, 2022 at 12:07 pm

Regardless of where or what kind of wine you drink, rest assured that there are plenty of health benefits to sipping the occasional glass of wine. Below are just four of the many benefits:

Fight heart disease: A daily glass of wine may increase the blood’s level of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids,

Boost your bones: Have a drink now, lower your risk of hip fracture later by as much as 20 percent. Scientists suspect the effect is due to the fact that alcohol increases estrogen and other hormones important to strong bones.

Protect your liver: People who drink one glass of wine regularly have half the risk of fatty liver disease compared to teetotalers. Only vino appears to work, though: Those who had equal amounts of beer or liquor actually increased their odds of the disease more than four times.

Ditch diabetes: Downing the cheer of your choice can improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin. The more effectively your body responds to this hormone, the lower your odds of developing Type 2 diabetes.

With this knowledge how can you possibly resist a glass of wine?

This delicious recipe for Sangria made with white wine is a sure crowd pleaser!

The beauty of the simple White Wine Sangria recipe is that it is as delicious as it is easy, and it only gets better as you add your favorite fruits!

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes


  • 1 Bottle of white wine (Riesling, Albarino, Chablis, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc)
  • 2/3 cup white sugar
  • 3 oranges (sliced) or may substitute 1 cup of orange juice)
  • 1 lemon (sliced)
  • 1 lime (sliced)
  • 1/2 liter of ginger ale or club soda (ginger ale for those with a sweeter tooth!)


Pour wine in the pitcher and squeeze the juice wedges from the orange, lemon and lime into the wine. Toss in the fruit wedges (leaving out seeds if possible) and add sugar. Chill overnight. Add ginger ale or club soda just before serving. If you’d like to serve right away, use chilled white wine and serve over lots of ice.
Additional ideas: sliced strawberries, peaches, handful of fresh blueberries, raspberries, kiwi, a shot or two of gin, brandy or rum, a cup of citrus-flavored soda pop.

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4 Responses

  1. Thanks for supporting National Drink Wine Day this year!

  1. 02/18/2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Debra Gendel, Burkett Restaurant E. Burkett Restaurant E said: Today is National Drink Wine Day!! We've got a great recipe for White Wine Sangria. Give it a try tonight!… […]

  2. 02/18/2011

    […] Today is National Drink Wine Day! Burkett Restaurant Equipment's …: It’s Friday night. The weather (especially in Toledo) has been fantastic. It’s the ideal recipe for sitting on your back porch this evening with a glass of wine in honor of National Drink Wine Day. Many of your favorite restaurants, bars, and wineries will most likely be offer wine specials as well. What a great … – Readmore […]

  3. 02/18/2011

    […] restaurants, bars, and wineries will most likely be offer wine specials as well. What a great … – ReadmoreNational Drink Wine Day? Too late Rock's Backpages Blogs: Apparently, February 18 is National […]