Category: Product Spotlight
How versatile are Immersion Blenders? Just check out this list (by no means complete) of different dishes that can be made with this awesome kitchen utensil: Spaghetti Marinara Salsa Hummus Pesto Cake Batter Whipped...
Would you buy a residential oven for a Pizzeria? Of course not and you shouldn’t buy residential kitchen supplies for a commercial kitchen either. This includes Immersion Blenders. Equipment, appliances and supplies are essential...
An Immersion Blender is definitely not hard to use. With that said, we’ve dealt with our fair share of Immersion Blender malfunctions that could have been easily avoided. Immersion blenders are priceless pieces in...
It is vital that you properly clean and maintain each piece of equipment and supply in your restaurants kitchen on a regular basis and immersion blenders are no different. A dirty immersion blender can...
Once you have an Immersion Blender it’s hard to imagine life without one isn’t it? Popularized by renowned chefs Alton Brown and Emeril Lagasse, Immersion Blenders are the perfect kitchen tool to emulsify sauces,...