5 Delicious Ways to Cook a Turkey

Whether you want to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any other special occasion, it’s a delightful opportunity to experiment with flavors, techniques, and traditions. Below we explore various methods that promise to tantalize your taste buds and elevate your holiday feasts.

How Can I Cook a Turkey?

While roasting is the most well-known method, there are several exciting alternatives to consider. In this post, we’ll explore five different ways to cook a turkey, highlighting the equipment needed, recommended temperatures, and prep times for each method.

Before you get cooking, check out our How to Prep a Turkey blog, for everything you need to know about turkey prep.

5 Ways to Cook a Turkey:

1. Roasting

Roasting is a classic method to cook a turkey, ideal for a traditional Thanksgiving turkey. It results in crispy skin and tender meat. Roasting uses dry heat in the oven to cook the bird.

To roast a turkey you need a thermometer, roasting pan, and oven.

Equipment Needed:


Roasting pan with a rack

Meat thermometer


Preheat your oven to 325°F (163°C).

Cook Time:

Roasting typically takes about 15 minutes per pound (4.5 kg) of turkey. For example, a 12-pound turkey would take approximately 3 hours.


  • Season the turkey generously with herbs, spices, and butter for a flavorful and golden-brown skin.
  • Use a meat thermometer to ensure the turkey reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

2. Smoking

Smoking imparts a rich smoky flavor. It’s a slower method, allowing the turkey to absorb complex flavors from wood chips or chunks. Perfect for those who love a smoky taste.

To smoke a turkey you need a meat thermometer, wood chips, and a smoker.

Equipment Needed:


Wood chips (for flavor)

Meat thermometer


Maintain the smoker temperature around 225°F (107°C).

Cook Time:

Smoking is a slower process, taking approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour per pound (4.5 kg). Plan for a longer cook time, especially for larger turkeys.


  • Experiment with different wood chips for unique smoky flavors.
  • Patience is key when smoking; low and slow cooking yields a tender, flavorful turkey.

3. Deep Frying

Deep frying yields an incredibly juicy turkey with a crispy skin. It’s a quick method but requires caution due to hot oil. The high temperature cooks the turkey rapidly.

To fry a turkey you need a meat thermometer, propane tank, and turkey fryer.

Equipment Needed:

Turkey fryer

Propane tank

Meat thermometer


Heat your oil to 350°F (177°C).

Cook Time:

Deep frying is faster than roasting, taking about 3-4 minutes per pound (4.5 kg). A 12-pound turkey would be ready in around 45 minutes.


  • Ensure your turkey is completely dry to avoid dangerous oil splatters.
  • Follow safety precautions rigorously when working with hot oil.

4. Grilling

Grilling adds a smoky touch and charred flavor to the turkey. Indirect heat ensures even cooking. It’s great for those who want to cook a turkey with a barbeque twist.

To grill a turkey you need a meat thermometer and a charcoal grill, or a gas grill.

Equipment Needed:

Charcoal or gas grill

Meat thermometer


Use indirect heat at around 325°F (163°C).

Cook Time:

Grilling is relatively quick, with an estimated 10-15 minutes per pound (4.5 kg). A 12-pound turkey would be ready in approximately 2-3 hours.


  • Consider using wood chips or chunks for added smokiness.
  • Keep a close eye on the grill temperature and turkey to prevent overcooking.

5. Sous Vide

Sous vide results in ultra-tender, evenly cooked turkey. The precise temperature control ensures no overcooking. Finish with a quick sear on a grill for added texture and flavor.

To sous vide a turkey you need a large pot, a vacuum sealer, and a sous vide machine.

Equipment Needed:

Sous vide machine

Vacuum sealer

Large pot


Set the sous vide machine to 150-165°F (65-74°C).

Cook Time:

Sous vide cooking takes longer, typically 2-4 hours, depending on the thickness of your turkey cuts.


  • Vacuum-seal the turkey with herbs, spices, and butter for maximum flavor infusion.
  • Finish the turkey in the oven or on the grill for a golden sear.

Note: The cooking times mentioned are approximate and can vary depending on the size and specific circumstances. It’s important to use a meat thermometer to ensure the turkey reaches the recommended internal temperature for safe consumption (165°F or 74°C).

Find the right temperature for all your Thanksgiving meats via this food temperatures blog.

Conclusion: How to Cook a Turkey

Each method offers a unique way to prepare turkey, varying in flavors, textures, and cooking times. The choice depends on your preferences, available equipment, and desired outcome. Maybe you prefer a traditional roast, or a smoky delight, or even a perfectly tender sous vide masterpiece.

No matter which method you choose, your Thanksgiving turkey will be a delicious success!

Need new pots and pans? Stock up at burkett.com.

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